
Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the leading methods in modern psychotherapy. This method is based on finding and eliminating the main factors in the person's distorted behavior and perception, which feed psychological problems and make them even worse.

During this therapy, both patient and therapist work closely on finding the root of the problem. Gradually, the patient starts rethinking the way he percepts reality, as well as his/her behaviour. This way, together with a specialist, the patient changes the disfunctional patterns of his behavior and way of thinking to more realistic ones. Consequently, the patient’s emotional state improves, his personal and interpersonal problems are sorting out and his life perception becomes more positive.

During cognitive-behavioral therapy, the therapist and the patient work on finding the problem, build a plan for its solution, and work together on achieving the set goals.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy includes a whole arsenal of techniques and methods, which help to create an individual approach to every patient.


The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy has been proven by multiple scientific studies. It has been proven numerous times, that CBT is quite effective when fighting the most common mental disorders.

CBT is recommended by professional psychiatrists and psychologists associations, as well as ministries of health for dealing with the following psychological and psychiatrical problems:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective for patients of all ages:

CBT effectively helps people with the following problems:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used at individual therapy sessions, as well as couple or group sessions (family problems solving). CBT is open to other areas of psychotherapy, and respects the patient’s confession and other spiritual practices.

This way, cognitive-behavioral therapy is constantly and actively developing, combining a number of techiques and practices with the main goal — to help each and every patient.

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